Homebrew El Capitan

Option 2: Uninstalling Homebrew with the Uninstall Script Manually. If you don’t like the idea of executing a script downloaded from the internet with curl (which is understandable for security conscious individuals), then you can also view, download, and review the uninstall script beforehand, and then execute it manually on the computer that you wish to remove Homebrew from. Here is how you can fix the permission issues with Homebrew in Mac OS X El Capitan: If you had created the /usr/local directory already, then run this command in terminal: sudo chown $(whoami):admin /usr/local && sudo chown -R $(whoami):admin /usr/local. Homebrew/ElCapitanandHomebrew.md at master Homebrew/homebrew GitHubに書いてあるとおり、実行します。 そこそこ時間がかかります。 sudo chown -R $( whoami ):admin /usr/ local. Homebrew/ElCapitanandHomebrew.md at master Homebrew/homebrew. 自分以外 mac 使わないし、一度は面倒さに屈して、上記のコマンドをしぶしぶ受け入れましたが もう我慢ならぬ ということで、install path を変更して homebrew を再 install しました。 brew bundle. Oct 06, 2015 Installing Homebrew on Mac OS X prior to El Capitan (that is Yosemite, Mavericks and others) used to be a breeze. But with a new change in OS X El Capitan called SIP - installing Homebrew has become a bit complicated.

Question or issue on macOS:

I just updated from Yosemite to El Capitan and it has broken one of my C++ programs which was relying on Boost. Whenever I try to compile, I get these errors:

Homebrew el capitan game

Homebrew El Capitan

I’ve been compiling it with the correct flags and it worked perfectly before:

I’ve followed the home-brew instructions to chown /usr/local, run brew doctor and brew update, even brew reinstall boost. I’ve also checked and timer.hpp is present in /usr/local/include/boost.

Update Ran: clang++ -E -x c++ – -v < /dev/null

How to solve this problem?

Solution no. 1:

You should install the Xcode Command Line tools with xcode-select --install to get a version of clang that searches /usr/local by default. Otherwise, you’re using the versions provided by Xcode proper, which only search the OS X SDK paths. (/usr/bin/gcc and /usr/bin/g++ both invoke clang and are not actually versions of gcc.)

Solution no. 2:

I had the same problem when I upgraded to El Capitan. I solved this problem reinstalling Boost with brew.

If you don’t have brew installed, you can install it with

Then, install boost

Hope this helps!

From the machine-learning-scientific-and-plotting dept. (71841) (26) by Luis

El Capitan Theatre Hollywood Ca

Here is a very quick way to install octave with aquaterm on Mac OS X 10.10 a.k.a. Yosemite as well as 10.11 a.k.a El Capitan. Note that these steps are not for the feign of heart and your millage might vary... Follow at your own risk.

updated 2016-11-21 22:32 GMT - tested with macOS Sierra (10.12) works well
updated 2015-10-07 21:58 GMT - tested with El Capitan (10.11) works well
updated 2015-06-21 09:17 GMT - adds homebrew/science tap
updated 2014-10-24 05:15 GMT - includes MacTex

Homebrew El Capitan Update

Before you start you need to get your system setup. You will need:

  1. install Xcode from Apple's dev site
  2. install Xcode command line utilities from Xcode add-ons
  3. install hombrew
  4. install AquaTerm from sourceforge
  5. install Mac Latex (MacTex) from tug.org
  6. (optional) install Java

Yep, note that I'm assuming that you already have a working Homebrew installation, compilers, and AquaTerm ready... Then you may do:

  1. brew tap homebrew/science
  2. brew reinstall gnuplot --with-aquaterm
  3. gnuplot # make sure it says 'terminal set to aqua'
  4. brew install lua51 # yes, you also need this old version of Lua
  5. brew install octave

Installing Octave will take a while and it will install Lua 2.x as a dependency. If you see the make check | tee make-check.log taking an extremely long time. You might have to open a new terminal and navigate to cd /tmp/octave* and cat make-check.log to see where it went wrong. In my case it used to stop while loading lua dynlib files but installing the older lua51 fixed it.

When updating your operating system to a newer version of MacOS (macOS now), you may need to reinstall Octave if you see an error like:

Try: brew reinstall gcc arpack. If that does not fix it, then try: brew reinstall octave --without-arpack. And if this fails, you may use: brew reinstall octave --with-java.

Leave a comment if you need help, but this should do the trick ;) Now you can move on with your Machine Learning studies!

Here is a quick way to know everything works correctly:

  1. octave
  2. a = [2;3;4;5;6;3;4;32;3;2;1;4;5;6;7;]
  3. b = [12;23;44;55;66;12;44;9;5;27;111;23;66;89;88;]
  4. plot ([a, b])

Happy plotting!